Temperature Converter Source Code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

Hello learner. Here we are going to provide you the source code of the temperature converter (Celsius to Fahrenheit, Fahrenheit to Celsius, Celsius to Kelvin, Kelvin to Celsius, Kelvin to Fahrenheit, and Fahrenheit to Kelvin).

Temperature Converter Source Code (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)

So, how they will look like? Look at the preview of the converter of which source code we are going to provide. The converter is below, check it.

Celsius To Fahrenheit

Celsius to Kelvin

Fahrenheit to Celsius

Fahrenheit to Kelvin

Kelvin to Celsius

Kelvin to Fahrenheit

So now we are going to provide the source code. 

But before that, here are some notes:

  1. This converter follows the relation between temperature scales. And that relation is `\frac C5=\frac{F-32}9=\frac{K-273}5`. 
  2. TechKib used only HTML, CSS and JavaScript to build this one. We didn't use any other frameworks or language. 
  3. The form name, input name, function name, class name, id name are being given just to give. You can change them as your need.
  4. If you want to build this one in one single file, then follow the structure below. And if you want to use multiple file then just interlink those. Hope you know how to do that well.

CSS Source Code

HTML Souce Code

JavaScript/JS Source Code


Source Code


* {
        box-sizing: border-box;
    .button-tool-pathgriho {
        border-radius: 20px;
        background-color: rgb(253, 17, 57);
        color: white;
        font-size: 15px;
    .button-tool-pathgriho:hover {
        background-color: rgb(10, 206, 206);
        color: black;
   .pathgriho-box {
        width: 60%;
        height: 32px;
        border-radius: 15px;


<div  style="text-align: center;">
<form name="circle">
    <h2>Celsius To Fahrenheit</h2>
    <input class="pathgriho-box" type="text" name="radius" placeholder="Enter the Celsius Value" size="20"><br /><br/>
    <input class="button-tool-pathgriho" type="button" value="Convert to Fahrenheit" onClick="calculateAC()"><br /><br/>        
    <input type="text" name="acc" class="pathgriho-box" placeholder="Fahrenheit Value is here" size="20"><br /><br/>
    <input class="button-tool-pathgriho" type="reset" value="Try Another One" />

<form name="ck">
    <h2>Celsius to Kelvin</h2>
    <input type="text" name="fahrenh" class="pathgriho-box" placeholder="Enter the Celsius value" size="20"><br /><br/>
    <input class="button-tool-pathgriho" type="button" value="Convert to Kelvin" onClick="calculateCK()"><br /><br/>
    <input type="text" name="adc" class="pathgriho-box" placeholder="Kelvin value is here" size="20"><br /><br/>
    <input class="button-tool-pathgriho"  type="reset" value="Try Another One" />
<form name="fc">
    <h2>Fahrenheit to Celsius</h2>
    <input type="text" name="fahrenh" class="pathgriho-box" placeholder="Value at Fahrenheit" size="20"><br /><br/>
    <input class="button-tool-pathgriho" type="button" value="Convert to Celsius" onClick="calculateFC()"><br /><br/>
    <input type="text" name="accc" class="pathgriho-box" placeholder="Celsius value is here" size="20"><br /><br/>
    <input class="button-tool-pathgriho"  type="reset" value="Try Another One" />
<form name="fk">
    <h2>Fahrenheit to Kelvin</h2>
    <input type="text" name="fahrenh" class="pathgriho-box" placeholder="Enter the Fahrenheit Value" size="20"><br /><br/>
    <input class="button-tool-pathgriho" type="button" value="Convert to Kelvin" onClick="calculateFK()"><br /><br/>
    <input type="text" name="ad" class="pathgriho-box" placeholder="Kelvin value is here" size="20"><br /><br/>
    <input class="button-tool-pathgriho"  type="reset" value="Try Another One" />
<form name="kc">
    <h2>Kelvin to Celsius</h2>
    <input type="text" name="fahrenh" class="pathgriho-box" placeholder="Enter the Kelvin Value" size="20"><br /><br/>
    <input class="button-tool-pathgriho" type="button" value="Convert to Celsius" onClick="calculateKC()"><br /><br/>
    <input type="text" name="rabiul" class="pathgriho-box" placeholder="Celsius value is here" size="20"><br /><br/>
    <input class="button-tool-pathgriho"  type="reset" value="Try Another One" />
<form name="kf">
    <h2>Kelvin to Fahrenheit</h2>
    <input type="text" name="fahrenh" class="pathgriho-box" placeholder="Enter the Kelvin Value" size="20"><br /><br/>
    <input class="button-tool-pathgriho" type="button" value="Convert to Fahrenheit" onClick="calculateKF()"><br /><br/>
    <input type="text" name="roko" class="pathgriho-box" placeholder="Fahrenheit value is here" size="20"><br /><br/>
    <input class="button-tool-pathgriho" type="reset" value="Try Another One" />


function calculateAC() {
    var radius = document.circle.radius.value;
    var unit = " degree Fahrenheit"
    var finalAC = (radius*1.8)+32;
    document.circle.acc.value = (finalAC.toFixed(2)+unit);


    function calculateFK() {
        var fahrenh = document.fk.fahrenh.value;
        var unit = " Kelvin"
        var con = 32
        var finalACC = ((fahrenh-32)/1.8)+273.15;
        document.fk.ad.value = (finalACC.toFixed(2)+unit);
    function calculateFC() {
        var fahrenh = document.fc.fahrenh.value;
        var unit = " Kelvin"
        var con = 32
        var finalACC = (fahrenh-con)/1.8;
        document.fc.accc.value = (finalACC.toFixed(2)+unit);
    function calculateCK() {
        var fahrenh = document.ck.fahrenh.value;
        var unit = " Kelvin"
        var con = 273.15
        var finalACC = (fahrenh*1)+con;
        document.ck.adc.value = (finalACC.toFixed(2)+unit);
    function calculateKC() {
        var fahrenh = document.kc.fahrenh.value;
        var unit = " Kelvin"
        var con = 32
        var finalACC = fahrenh-273.15;
        document.kc.rabiul.value = (finalACC.toFixed(2)+unit);
    function calculateKF() {
        var fahrenh = document.kf.fahrenh.value;
        var unit = " Kelvin"
        var con = 32
        var finalACC = ((fahrenh-273.15)*1.8)+32;
        document.kf.roko.value = (finalACC.toFixed(2)+unit);

That's all. Now you can make your own temperature converter. Best of luck and stay with us for more. If you have any questions, ask us in the comment box or knock us on Facebook.
Md. Rabiul Mollah

Okay! So here I'm Md. Rabiul Mollah from Pathgriho Network. I'm currently a student of B.Sc in Textile Engineering Management at Bangladesh University of Textiles. facebook instagram github twitter linkedin

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