China's tech to fight the coronavirus

China's tech to fight the coronavirus
In February 2020, the Chinese authorities were tracing recent purchases of fever and cough medicines as a part of a way to leverage on technology doing it through mobile payments. So, the Chinese government using people's mobile phones or payment devices to track what they have bought. Then they identify who those other sick people might be.
Beijing is hoping to lean on all sorts of new technologies in order to contain the virus. The Chinese government is calling for all hands to join the fight against the coronavirus, including mechanical robots like "Pepper" are in hospitals that the virus epicenter directing patients to doctors. "Pepper" was built by Beijing startup Cloud Minds.
Pepper built by Cloud Minds.
Pepper is a semi-humanoid robot manufactured by SoftBank Robotics, designed with the ability to read emotions. Several companies taking their high tech to the hot zone, Robots do not carry the diseases and robots can be easily disinfected. Drones are delivering lab samples and urging people to wear masks. Face recognition software and infrared cameras now identify potential patients.  Thermal scanners have been installed at the supermarket subways and in train stations to detect those who have a fever or backup to temperature gauges, Big data at some local officials say has become the prevention efforts piercing eyes. Companies like China Unicom now offer a service to list all the cities that you've been to in the past 14 days. And tech entrepreneurs here believe that if there is a silver lining to this outbreak their industry could become much stronger after all of this.

CNBC's reports on how China is using technology to fight the outbreak:

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