What is C Token in C Language?
The smallest building unit or block of a C program is termed as C Tokens. Compiler of C program uses to break a program into the smallest possible units to proceeds to the various stages of the compilation. Every word and punctuation are tokens in C. C Programming language has 6 types of tokens. These are:
- Keywords
- Identifiers
- Constants
- Strings
- Special Symbols
- Operators
a) Keywords:
Every C-word is classified as a keyword or identifier.
Keywords have meaning. Examples of keywords are float, while etc. Keywords
serve as basic building units for statements. C Programing Language has a total
32 keywords. List of the keywords are:
Serial No |
Keywords |
01 |
auto |
02 |
break |
03 |
case |
04 |
char |
05 |
const |
06 |
continue |
07 |
default |
08 |
do |
09 |
double |
10 |
else |
11 |
enum |
12 |
extern |
13 |
float |
14 |
for |
15 |
goto |
16 |
if |
17 |
int |
18 |
long |
19 |
register |
20 |
return |
21 |
short |
22 |
signed |
23 |
sizeof |
24 |
static |
25 |
struct |
26 |
switch |
27 |
typedef |
28 |
union |
29 |
unsigned |
30 |
void |
31 |
volatile |
32 |
while |
b) Identifiers:
Identifiers are those types of words written in C which is
the name of variables, functions or arrays. These are user-defined names and
consist of digits and letters. But the name of identifiers has to be followed by
some rules. These rules are:
- First Character must be a letter or underscore, cannot be a number
- Must consist of only letters, digits, or underscore.
- Significant characters are only the first 31 characters
- Keywords cannot be used as an identifier
- No white space is valid.
c) Constants:
Constants are fixed values. Constants do not change, just
like math. Constants of C Programming Language can be divided into 5
subclasses under 3 class. They are:
- Numeric Constants: Integer Constance and Real Constants
- Character Constants: Single character constants and String Constants.
- Special Output Constant: Backslash Character Constant.
1. Integer Constants
Integer Constant refers to a sequence of digits and there
are mainly 3 types of integers. Integers in C Programing are:
- Hexa-Decimal Integer
- Decimal Integer
- Octal Integer
It can have numbers (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) and a +
or - sign. Using these positive or negative signs is not compulsory.
Some integer constants are 71, 0249, -273, +2441136666100, 0
As they can be Decimal, Octal and Hexadecimal then we are
giving more examples for those.
- Decimal Integer Constant: +7149
- Octal Integer Constant: +156
- Hexadecimal Constant: 0X9D
Note about hexadecimal constant: Sequence of digits preceded by 0x or 0X is considered as a hexadecimal integer, and A to F can be used in uppercase or lowercase as the programmer wants.
Convert Numbers from Decimal to Octal or Hexadecimal by
clicking here.
2. Real Constants:
Every constant made by real numbers is a real integer
except the Constant is an integer constant. For example, 0.95, 0.0083, +247.0, +6e7,
Exponential notation is useful sometimes useful for
representing numbers that are either very large or very small. For instance, 4900000000
can be written as 4.9E9 or 49E8.
Let find some valid and invalid constants from the Numeric
Constant |
Valid or Not? |
24411875 |
Valid |
100D |
Valid |
25,000A |
Invalid |
7.1e 2 |
Invalid (space
doesn’t allow) |
0X7B |
Valid |
$71 |
Invalid |
+5.0A2 |
Valid |
3. Single Character Constant:
When a single character is being used as a constant then
that is called a single character constant. Some examples are ‘5’, ‘X’, ‘ ‘.
Yes, this blank space is also a single character constant.
4. String Constants:
A string constant is a sequence of characters that are enclosed
in double-quotes. The constants may be letters, special characters, numbers, and blank spaces.
Some examples of String Constants are: “TechKib!”, “Hello!”,
“1971”, “PATHGRIHO NETWORK”, “!..?”, “2+3”,
Note: A single character string constant does not have an
equivalent integer value while a character constant has.
5. Backslash Character Constants:
C Programming Language has some special backslash characters
constants that are being used for output. The example of backslash characters constants
is mentioned below with their function.
Constants |
Function |
‘\a’ |
Audible alert |
‘\b’ |
Backspace |
‘\f’ |
Form-feed |
‘\n’ |
Newline |
‘\r’ |
Carriage return
‘\t’ |
Tab (horizontal) |
‘\v’ |
(vertical) |
‘\” |
Single quote |
‘\’’ |
Double quote |
‘\?\ |
Question mark |
‘\\’ |
backslash |
d) Strings:
Nothing but an array of characters that ended with a null
character is termed as a string. This null indicates the end of the string. Null
character denotes by ‘\0\. Some
declarations for string are:
- Char string [20] = “techpathgrihos”;
- Char string [] == “techpathgrihos”;
This type is also used in C++.
e) Special Symbols:
Following special symbols are used in C and they have their
own meaning and function. Look at those below:
Symbol |
Name |
Function |
{} |
Braces |
Indicates the
start and end of a unit of a code. |
[] |
Brackets |
Used as an array
element reference. |
() |
Parentheses |
These symbols
are used in order to indicate calls and function parameters. |
, |
Comma |
Used to
separate more than one statement. |
: |
Colon |
Called an
initialization list |
; |
Semicolon |
Terminator |
# |
Pre-Processor |
Learn details about Preprocessor by reading the linked article. |
= |
Operator |
Used to
assign values |
* |
Asterisk |
Used to
create a pointer variable. |
f) Operators:
Operators are those who trigger an action when that is applied to C
variables as well as other objects. Depending on the number of operands that an
operator can do or act, operators can be classified into 2 divisions. Operands
are those data on which operators act upon.
- Unary Operators: The operators which require only a single operand to act. For instance, the increment and decrement operators are unary operators.
- Binary Operators: Operators that require two operands to act are termed as binary operators. Binary operators can be classified into 6 more classes. They are:
- Arithmetic Operators (+, -, *, /, %)
- Relational Operators (==, >, <, !=, >=, <=)
- Logical Operators (&&, ||, !)
- Assignments Operators (=, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=)
- Conditional Operators
- Bitwise Operators (&, |, ^, ~, <<, >>)